The fee for counseling is based on current, usual and customary fees in this area. Dr.’s Olson and Pepiton’s fee as already noted is $175.00 per individual session, with the other providers fee being $150/hour, and $40 per person per group session. Consultations with other professionals and reports prepared on your behalf will be charged to the 15-minute interval at the hourly rate of $200/hour. Payment may be made with cash, personal checks, or credit card. A $25 charge is made for any check returned to us as non-payable for any reason. Accounts over 90 days past due may be sent to collections and additional fees applied.
First appointment cancellation fee: There is a $75 non-refundable charge on cancellations for the first appointment if the cancellation is made in less than 24 hours of the appointment time.
Late Fees: For every 15 minutes late the patient is, there will be a $50 charge.
No Show Fees: For a no show there will be a $150 charge. Cancellations and re-scheduled session will be subject to a full charge if NOT RECEIVED AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. This is necessary because a time commitment is made to you and is held exclusively for you. If you are late for a session the amount of scheduled time for the session will be held for you.
Answers to frequently asked questions about payment for counseling.
If my insurance pays for counseling, do you accept it?
The short answer is that if we are in-network with your insurance company, your company will in all-likelihood pay for it.
The next thing to say is: you must, you must, check with your insurance company, to be sure of things including: your deductible, your out-of-pocket responsibility, etc.
In instances where we are not in network: you MAY be able to get reimbursement if your insurance plan allows you to go out-of-network. To get started, you should contact them and ask the following questions:
1. Will my plan reimburse me directly when I go to an out-of-network provider? (Learning to be Human may be out-of-network).
2. Does my plan cover mental health benefits? Specifically, will they reimburse for the following codes:
90834 – most important for individual work
90837 – most important for individual work
90846 – most important for couples & family work
90847 – most important for couples & family work
3. What are the terms of my plan—do I have a deductible?
4. What paperwork does my insurance carrier require? This is usually a one-page claim form that the carrier provides to you.
Next, if you are out of network, you will need to fill out their claim form – this typically takes 2 minutes, and I can help you if needed. Make certain that you fill out your insurance claim so that you are the one getting reimbursed. Otherwise, the company will issue a check payable to me, and this will be sent back to them, delaying your reimbursement by weeks or months. Finally, you will receive a monthly statement (typically via email on the first Friday of the month). It will have all the relevant information your insurance carrier will want to process the claim, including a diagnosis. If your insurance restricts any diagnoses, notify me about this before seeking reimbursement.
Any out-of-network services your insurance reimburses you for they will do so after the fact, so my services will need to be paid for in full by you. Our front office will do their best to help you get reimbursed for whatever portion of the service is reimbursable. If after 60 days you have failed to pay the full amount I am legally permitted to retain a collection agency or take you to small claims court to recover the amount owed me. Either action may require me disclosing confidential information about the services. Any legal costs incurred by me in such a proceeding would be included in the claim.
Payment is expected at the time services are rendered either by Cash, Check, or Credit card.
Credit card information is expected to be kept on file and to only be used for session fees in which you do not provide payment in the form of cash or check (unless arrangements have been made with the therapist). Missed appointments not cancelled within the 24 hours advanced notice, not showing up for scheduled appointments, returned check fees and amount of check paid, past due amount over 30 days will also be billed.
Please let me know if you have any questions or require assistance. I’m glad to help!